

Our e-commerce development service consists of three levels which are tailored to our customer needs. These are:


This is a web based subscription service e-commerce site which our customers pay direct for and effectively own. We design and develop within this platform for those customers looking for a simple yet affective and affordable e-commerce solution.


WooCommerce is an extension of the world wide used Content Management System (CMS) WordPress. Again we develop within this platform to bring to life your e-commerce store with the flexibility of further development for additional functionality such as linking into internal systems etc.


Magento is a world-wide used e-commerce platform which is a very powerful tool when it comes to selling on line. We tailor design & development around our customer needs and also have the ability to hook into a number of channel provider software offerings within the industry.


Not for the faint hearted and can be very costly but has full flexibility in terms of functionality. As explained within our About Us page, we work very closely with two local development teams to provide this service. We still project manage and provide the customer care required for this size project.



There are three pre-requisites for customers looking to journey into the web. It is vitally important that as the customer you own all three of these elements. The reason? Well it’s quite simple. If your web company stops trading for any reason or you decide to part ways with your web company, having these three areas owned by yourself ensures that there is absolutely no way you can ever be held to ransom over your website and or email.

The three steps are:

This is the www part of your website and should absolutely be owned by you, the customer. Don’t worry we don’t just tell you to go do this, we can and will help you to register and own your Domain.

This is where your website sits for the world to see. Again this should be owned solely by yourself, not us or your chosen web company. As with your Domain registration, we will assist you to get the job done and will advise and be on hand to get you through what is now a fairly simple process.

We recommend and support Microsoft Office365 email services. This again will be owned by yourself, the customer and not us. We will as always help you to set this up and can provide ongoing support for you.